
I have build a Formant modular synthesizer in 1978, that was the beginning of it all. Then I bought a Roland SH-2000, came to the conclusion that 2 synthesizers were not enough to make decent music and sold them. I started to photograph (analog these days) in 1980. I maried in 1982, got two boys in 1983 and 1985, bought a Yamaha V50 in 1990 and started to make music again. I released my first CD in 1996 “Mind TRIPS”. Now more than 30 years later I have around 35 solo-albums and 14 collaboration albums, almost all available at “Syngate” and “Bandcamp”. My photographic artwork is available at “Werk aan de Muur”, “Shutterstock”, “Dreamstime” and “Adobe Stock”.

“Poppies in a double layer”

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